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A member registered Jun 05, 2017

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Very interesting game. Simple concept and narrative, and clean execution :)

Hey, I see a lot of potential in this project, love the overall concept and application of generative art.

I am interested in contributing Music and Sound Design (not looking for compensation atm).

Do you have a way I can get in contact?

Things got more content than the bible, consider it a piece of art.

If you don't like the artist's vision, there are tons other games out there that will likely be more enjoyable to you. Selebus has even been cross promoting other Renpy games from time to time.

Personally, I feel that the protagonist not working as a self insert is vital to the story and the theme of perspective.
Some ideas and narrative concepts and the questionable morality would be completely lost without it.

The game is called lessons in love for a reason.
The characters needing a psychiatrist instead of the figure they are faced with, I feel is also a core narrative concept of the game itself, and one which is continuously highlighted by the protagonist's monologue on regular occasions.

That being said, one thing I agree with, I found it more difficult to progress in the story usually when I had skipped an update or similar which contained main events.
Due to the structure of updates, you usually have a chunk of main story events and character events which are needed to progress to the next story chapter, but it's not really visible which main character events you can currently do (not talking about the order that you'd have to do them within one update either).

Possibly there could be a way to only show available events for characters that are currently possible or group them by updates somehow?

This would allow progression with the grind without a hint system.
I found myself having to check the Wiki more often than I'd like to admit just to see which events were pre-Christmas and which were post Christmas.

This has never been an issue for me though, if you complete all available events before updating to an incremental version.

In any case, thanks for blessing us with this game, as for me personally been a unique and insightful experience.